Settled on a small hill rocky to 540 metres of altitude on the level of the sea, the castle of Petrer dominates a population that settled in his slope south, has gone progressively extending his dispersion to the valley. Situated northwest of the called Valley of Elda, by his altitude dominates big part of the Half Vinalopó, visualising the castles of Sax, Elda, Monóvar and The Mola (Novelda), controlling from ancient period the natural road of communication of the Alicante seaboard to the plateau.
Built in Muslim period (s. XII), adapting to the orography of the terrain and remodelled later (ff. XIV and XV), consists of two enclosures: the esplanade and the citadel.
The first conserves a canvas of wall of mudwall with a central cube that delimits an inner space where the archaeologic excavations documented houses of mediaeval chronology.