In the villa of Petrer, to 10 December 2019, gathered the components of the commission grade for the concession of the scholarship of formation of the Archaeologic and Ethnological Museum Municipal Dámaso Navarro for the year 2020.

The bases that govern the announcement were approved in the Joint of Local Government of 20 October 2019, and in the point 5 of said bases indicate the merits evaluate and the punctuations to award:

A) Academic file personnel of the degree or degree, of 0 to 10 points.
B) Studios of postgrade (máster and doctorate), maximum 3 points.
C) Realisation of courses, days, workshops or practical specialised during the career in back years that have relation with History, Archaeology, Art, Museology, Ethnology and Heritage, of 0 to 6 points.
D) Other merits related with the matter object of this announcement as they are professional experience, scholarships, publications, of 0 to 6 points.
E) Knowledges of Valencian: elemental grade (B1), 1 punto; (B2), 1.5; mid grade (C1), 2 puntos; Upper degree (C2), 3 puntos.
F) Knowledges of computing (courses certified), of 0 to 2 points.
G) Other official degrees and merits that do not constitute requirement for the concession of the scholarship, of 0 to 2 points.

After the proof of the academic file and of the curriculum vitae of each one of the applicants, the punctuation obtained is the one who presents of provisional way in the following table.

In the villa of Petrer, to 10 December 2019, gathered the components of the commission grade for the concession of the scholarship of formation of the Archaeologic and Ethnological Museum Municipal Dámaso Navarro for the year 2020.

The bases that govern the announcement were approved in the Joint of Local Government of 20 October 2019, and in the point 5 of said bases indicate the merits evaluate and the punctuations to award:

A) Academic file personnel of the degree or degree, of 0 to 10 points.
B) Studios of postgrade (máster and doctorate), maximum 3 points.
C) Realisation of courses, days, workshops or practical specialised during the career in back years that have relation with History, Archaeology, Art, Museology, Ethnology and Heritage, of 0 to 6 points.
D) Other merits related with the matter object of this announcement as they are professional experience, scholarships, publications, of 0 to 6 points.
E) Knowledges of Valencian: elemental grade (B1), 1 punto; (B2), 1.5; mid grade (C1), 2 puntos; Upper degree (C2), 3 puntos.
F) Knowledges of computing (courses certified), of 0 to 2 points.
G) Other official degrees and merits that do not constitute requirement for the concession of the scholarship, of 0 to 2 points.

After the proof of the academic file and of the curriculum vitae of each one of the applicants, the punctuation obtained is the one who presents of provisional way in the following table.

As it indicates in the point 6 of the bases of the scholarship, the commission rate, after elaborating and publish in the web of the City council the provisional list with the punctuation obtained by each applicant, will open a term of Allegations or claims Of 10 natural days from the following day to the publication of the provisional list (20 December it dates maximum). Once received the allegations, if they had them, the commission rate will value them and will make the definite proposal with the punctuation obtained and the order of preference of the applicant for the scholarship of the museum during the year 2020.

We remain to disposal of any interested through the quoted means in our section of contact.